Martial art training is dangerous and can lead to injuries. Students and trainers must control themselves and be alert at all times to avoid injury to themselves and others. Even so, accidents happen. Therefore vigilance is your responsibility. Your training and participation in Freedom School activities is entirely at your own risk.

The Freedom School and its head instructor and teachers will not be held responsible for any injury to yourself, or for any injury to your fellow students, or for injury to any third party, or for damage to property, furniture or equipment that is sustained as a result of your martial arts training or participation in any Freedom School activities.



You will not injure to yourself or others during training

You will not behave rudely or recklessly during training

You will conduct yourself respectfully in class

You will use martial arts outside of class for training or self defense only

You will not abuse your martial arts skill

Videos from this site are for your eyes only

You will NOT copying or pass on videos without permission of head instructor.

Breaking any of these rules can lead to your expulsion from the school and termination of your membership.

Passing on of Videos without permission can lead to legal action.