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Teacher Training 2025


Freedom School of Martial Arts


Teacher Training 2025 is for people who want to learn martial arts and teaching methods from the Freedom School of Martial Arts, so that they may gain the skill and knowledge necessary to teach classes of their own if they choose to.

When a student becomes qualified to teach any art he/she will be added to a registered teachers list on our website

Two types of Teacher Training:
1.         Teaching permission for specific arts only, such as Swimming Dragon
2.         Freedom School Martial Arts Instructor Qualification and Freedom School Black Belt, which means becoming proficient in teaching all the skills hosted on this website (Taiji, Swimming Dragon, Baguazhang, Aikido, Capoeira, Muay Thai Buran, martial yoga,  Freedom Style, sword and staff).  This is a cutting edge qualification for a well rounded martial artist. A black belt implies having good experience in foundational principals, form and function and the ability to teach while continuing own progress.

There will be two ways of doing teacher training with us in 2025:
1. Teacher trainees can live with us and train with us at the Freedom School dojo in Pniel, Stellenbosch, South Africa,
Cost R6 500 per month or pro rata, for accommodation and training.
2.  Online teacher training, at www.freedommartialart.com, where teachers will be required to have mastered the relevant disciplines offered on the website and extra video training material and evaluated via private zoom training. There will also be zoom classes appearing on the Zoom & Live Schedule

The length of time it takes to complete teacher training depends on the individual student, how fast he/she can get through all the training material required and be evaluated and qualified by Hans Menck Sensei.

 The teacher training happening in the Pniel Dojo will be recorded and edited into online teaching content and gradually made available to online teacher trainees through this website and google drives.

 Live-in students (uchi deshi) at Pniel Dojo: The candidates will join all Pniel Dojo teacher trainings, and help to teach classes on Stellenbosch University campus where we will be hosting a variety of evening classes Mondays to Fridays.
The  live-in teacher trainees will receive direct teacher experience at these classes, where they will either teach or act as assistant teachers.

 If you want to join the in-dojo training, please feel free to apply or recommend this opportunity to suitable candidates.

There will also be one visitor space available for short term intensive training, for students who just want to come to live and train in Pniel Dojo for short periods.

The cost for any new live-in trainees will be R6 500 per month for a room and training, as well as one yearly payment of R2 300 for membership, registration and online website and class recording access.
Our cost is very low compared to other teacher trainings, success depends on effort, not on money paid.

Training period depends on your own efforts and skill level, how long it takes you to learn all the forms and their meanings, and to be able to do them, and teach them with clear commands is up to you.


Online teacher training cost:
Online Teacher Membership 115$/EURO or R2 300 per year for website membership and registration, and zoom class recording archive containing more than 50 recorded full workouts.
Private zoom classes and evaluations by Sensei Hans Menck at  40$/EURO or R800 per hour, or pro rata
If you wish to join our zoom classes zoom membership rates apply

Subsidies for possible financially challenged candidates could be negotiated.

Expectation after receiving teaching permission:
The teacher will keep his/her registration as a teacher and school membership active by paying a yearly Regular Membership of  35$/Euro (R700), or by continuing with the Teacher Training Membership if they are still on the path of teacher training.
Teachers who teach classes can offer Regular Student Memberships to their students, providing their students with Freedom School registration, membership, evaluation/grading level, and the necessary online resources for self study.
Teachers’ membership and registration also depends on adherence to the rules and basic conduct requirements of a Freedom School teacher, which will become known through the training. The Freedom School reserves the right to remove any student form its training program who misrepresents the school or abuses martial arts or his/her position as a teacher in class or in public.